
25/08/2017 - 05/02/2020

"The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man."

-Charles Darwin

Quafé has been my faithful companion for a little over two years. In the evening when I was coming home, he was running through the neighborhood and crossing the garden at lightning speed to welcome me with a fanfare. In the winter, I liked to see his bright eyes coming closer in the dark, it was very impressive. Sometimes he was not coming back. But when we got together the next day, he was entitled to twice as many kibbles! While looking for him one night, I had the chance to see a superb shooting star (at 1:50 am)!

You were an explorer who talked a lot. With your seductive face, you seduced several neighbors. Very well educated, you took care never to show your claws. You appreciated hugs, even if you were a kingpin who defended his territory well. You were the caretaker of the house. Your sleigh bell will always ring in my heart.